Monday, April 9, 2007

Is It Breakfast Yet?

In response to the most recent pet food debacle, many of us have reconsidered the gastronomic needs of our household companions. After much research (I asked Linda what she's decided to feed Archy and Spenser) Natalie seems most enamored of this Brown Rice-Carrots-Broccoli with Meat du Jour recipe. Does that look like a dog who wants her dinner? She sure never lunged eagerly at kibble -- referred to here, not so fondly, as "Sticks and Rocks." Gut Appetit.


Oblique Angles said...

The brown rice-broccoli-carrot-meat du jour looks yummy! Natalie and Talia would have to fight me for it. Archy and Spenser are indeed enjoying this home cookin'.

I should eat so well!

And look at this! You actually got a photo of Natalie!

Vallen said...

Wow, my cat better not read this post. She's already incorrigible

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Goodness me....that looks yummy. I would have ponied up to the table toot sweet too.