Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Pretty Kitty Dinette Goes Home

When I think of these little cast off dishes making themselves useful once again, making a kitchen pretty and being used by the most devoted and kindly members of our families I swell up with delight from the inside out. This one has recently gotten all gussied up and readied for it's trip to it's new home with Willie and Wy. Francie, of The Scented Cottage, bought this sweet dinette for her kitty friends. And here's the fun part -- it has arrived in it's new home where Willie and Wy appear delighted. Take a peek at Francie's blog and you can see the kitties with their new dinette.


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Willie and Wy are very happy with their new dinette. I got to enjoy opening the beautifully wrapped and very special! Thank you for all the love and care you put into it.

Vallen said...

I am very intrigued by this beautiful cat dining area. I wonder if my dear Opal would need one.

Anonymous said...

just adorable